Friday, 2 March 2012


Crossrail have withdrawn their application for the southern lorry route.

Thanks to everyone for your support and interest in this campaign. 
It has been a great success. 

Monday, 27 February 2012


We urge you to write supporting WCC in its recommendation.

Please submit your objections to before 1 March 
- go to ‘Planning Applications Search’
- enter Reference 11/11579/XRCA
- click on ‘Make a Public Comment’, enter name & address etc. 

Here is a sample objection, useful as a starting-point in compiling your own individual submissions, you can make any changes you wish - please note that they MUST be in before the meeting of the Planning Sub-Committee on 1 March.

Objection to Westminster Council re: Crossrail Application

As a local resident, I wish to object very strongly to Crossrail’s application to use Chepstow Road and others as a contingency route for its lorries, and urge the Council’s Planning Sub-Committee to accept the recommendation of its officers, using the powers granted to it by Schedule 7 of the Crossrail Act 2008, and refuse its consent. This plan would produce:
  • Intolerable levels of noise and pollution;
  • a severe threat to the safety of children going to and from school;
  • Total failure to consider properly the alternative of the canal, which BWB has stated is a perfectly feasible route;
  • Lack of proper consultation of the vast majority of local residents;
  • The likely serious damage to road surfaces which cannot withstand the current loads from buses weighing 15 tons;
  • Disruption to the amenity of local residents and threat to the viability of small local businesses;
  • Serious risk to access and transit by all emergency services which regularly use this route;
  • Strikingly inept failure to consider the almost certain impassability of Chepstow Road and others which would result from the passage of up to 35 or 70 lorries per day, each 54.5 feet in length, for two years or more: the present very serious congestion is likely to become far worse, even without Crossrail lorries, during the period of the Olympics, when much of its traffic will be diverted from the M40;
  • Possible request by Crossrail seeking to ban buses and cars from Chepstow Road and others on the proposed route for any or all of the two-year period to allow unimpeded passage for its lorries: should we not be told if they are likely to make this request?


Westminster City Council (WCC) has recommended to refuse Crossrail's request for approval of construction arrangements pursuant to the Cossrail Act (2008) for additional lorry routes along Chepstow Road, Great Western Road and Ladbroke Grove within Westminster and Holland Park Avenue, Pembridge Road, Pembridge Villas and Ladbroke Grove within Kensington and Chelsea. WCC based its recommendation on Crossrail's failure to preserve local environmental/amenity and prejudicial effect on road safety and the free flow of traffic and the arrangements should and are reasonably capable of being so modified by using existing approved routes, subject to highways modifications, and/or the use of adjacent Grand Union Canal or railway.

But we must continue to fight; this is a small and momentary victory.

More action is still required.

Wednesday, 15 February 2012


CROSSRAIL is intending to use our roads for transport, comprising a potential 68 lorries per day for the next two years, possibly longer, beginning March 2012.

We urge you to contact this people with your objections to the CROSSRAIL plan , as soon as possible.

Westminster City Planning:;jsessionid=11F5ADA2317B059289FDE7D860016EE9?activeTab=summary&keyVal=LVKS4QRP01R00

Kensington and Chelsea planning 

The Mayor’s office

Friday, 10 February 2012


Sir Malcom Rifkind, M.P. from the House of Commons has responded to our letter.
He is now writing to the Chairman of Crossrail to discuss WAG's concerns and possible alternatives.

Hopefully, we will able to inform soon on new arrangements and negotiations.

Thursday, 9 February 2012


You can still submit your objections and they will be taken into account in time for the Westminster Council meeting.

We urge you to contact them with your objections before February 15th.